6 emotions I still cannot name

That shin splinting trek
between the blue wave you want
and the paint blazed bark
youโ€™re clinging to

The raking eye contact
with someone you mightโ€™ve loved
through a corridor set aflame
by the knowledge that you met
too late, or too soon

The kingdom come
of learning to sit still enough
for the red fox cub
to grace you in the meadow
and the flag that finally fell
the day the vixen screamed

The circling brain drain
when the smell of cigarette smoke
hurls you back to yourself, small,
watching your mom in the mirror
while she braids her hair

The little hell you drop into
when you see those passing wafts
of smoke and childhood
become endangered
by buttery licks of diacetyl
and the awkward beat
of popcorn lung

The short drop from apex aplomb
to shaking like prey
at angles and asymptotes
and the shared root relative
of numbers and numb

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