Timeline of reasons I forgot to check my phone

a crowded beach, 3; a small wink of affection, 12; wading in the seance of myself, 16; rough landings, 17; midnight pajama walks with Reese’s puffs, 19; an exploration of burns, 19; fire, fireball, self-betrayal and a cattail whip, 19; November rain, 19; not accepting roses from a golden-eyed junkie, 20; so a pirate, a standup comic, and a bodhisattva walk into a hair salon, 20; full bottle of Tennessee Honey, 21; full bottle of Bombay Bramble, 21; full bottle of Sangiovese, 21; on the other hand, 23; how lost do you have to be to find yourself mud-skinned in the devil’s seat, 23; new apartment on Joy Street, 23; lockdown in April, 23; my blackbird, 24; insomnia in the witch’s bed in Chicago, 24; Alice in Omaha, 24; hurt foot but keep climbing, 24; gunshots in Albuquerque, 25; stung by a strange bug at the Cowboy Club and god I swear I knew him from before, 25; spray paint, 25; aliens, 25; I love you and an hour-long nap, 25; the universe is not a problem to be solved, 26

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